Why Weight? Healthy Habits and Weight Loss With Hypnosis

Are you ready to make long-lasting changes to your health, and to have the ideal body you’ve always wanted?

Perhaps in the past you tried some methods, with varying amounts of success. Maybe you lost some weight, only to put it back on a few weeks later. Perhaps you changed your diet, you did some exercises… but saw no change on the scale. Maybe you are still searching for the motivation to get started and you are thinking about how your current habits will effect your future, and maybe that future doesn’t look so great. Maybe you’ve spent thousands of dollars on coaches, recipes, delivered straight to your door meal plans, but your ideal body still eludes you. It’s time for a new approach, one that addresses your mind, body, and spirit, one that works for your whole Being. It’s time for Hypnosis.

Let’s be clear upfront on what it takes to make deep and lasting change: it takes work mentally, emotionally, and physically. Leave out one of these components and the pounds and issues are sure to come back. That’s why those super expensive trainers, who get you working out and eating right typically fail to help you keep the pounds off long term. They don’t address what’s going on mentally or emotionally. All of their energy is on the physical aspects. That’s great for some potential short-term change, but if you are interested in long-lasting change, the kind that makes your future brighter and more fulfilling for you and your family, then Weight Loss and Healthy Habits with Hypnosis is exactly what you need! 

Weight Loss and Healthy Habits with Hypnosis is the program I offer where we work through the 3 components to healthy living: The mental, emotional, and physical aspects.

Doing so guarantees you have long lasting healthy and vibrant results that will take you from where you are now, to where you want to be! This body, mind, and spirit approach incorporates the Whole Being, and therefore provides what is necessary for total transformation! The program includes 6 hour and half sessions in office and 6 45-minute Zoom consultations, all to be completed in the recommended 4 month time frame. Or if you want to make that change faster, I now offer a 2-month rapid results program as well! 

Using hypnosis we will discover and remove any blocks that are in your way. We will use the power of your imagination to mentally embody your ideal state for you to feel what it’s REALLY like. We will orient your thoughts towards your goals. We will install new habits, of your choosing, regarding exercise and diet. We will develop and grow your sense of self worth, which is a huge stepping stone because feeling unworthy is often why attempts at developing healthy habits and weight loss fail. Once we instill that sense of self worth and love, not only will weight management and healthy habits be easy, but so many other hardships in your life can fall away too, just like the pounds! Consider it a massive bonus of the program. Now, let’s look in depth at the 3 components this program covers, and why they are essential to successful transformation. 


We must practice seeing and feeling ourselves as being our Ideal version

The first challenge is to clearly state your goals. While this may seem obvious, many attempts at weight loss never get off the proverbial runway because one never clearly states what their goals are! Now why do people do this? Well, it’s a way to avoid abject failure, because by never clearly stating what it is they are trying to accomplish, they are never at risk of not getting there. You can never actually fail, because there was never actually an objective. 

So this is our first task in our first session. Getting crystal clear on what kind of transformation you want to achieve. The more specific the better. This is how we orient ourselves for the work, we state where we are going. The mental work really begins as we clear the way of all the objections our mind may have in store for us. Common rebuttals are, “I can’t do this, I’ve never been able to,” “This is just the way I am,” “I can’t follow a diet,” “My family won’t want to do this diet, so how could I …” Sound familiar? 

Our work with the mind is not done until we can consistently feel good about our goal and have developed positive expectation. We must clear the way so our thoughts do not impede us. When we align our thoughts with our goal, each and every action we take that moves us in that direction helps to reinforce our resolve, by producing good feeling chemicals via our dopaminergic system. In this way, we create a powerful positive feedback loop! We will know we have achieved success mentally when we feel as though our ideal body is destined to manifest.

It is important to develop the perspective that weight loss and healthy habit creation is a journey. We won’t reach our goal in one day. So it’s important to recognize and celebrate the little markers and achievements as we progress along our way. When we lose 1 pound, GREAT! When we make a healthy conscious dietary decision, HOORAH! Celebrating and feeling good about these micro achievements sets the tone for our journey. We should enjoy our progress and movement towards health!

Clarity is allowing the movement and process towards our goals, without doubt or fears interceding!

We have to win the mental battle and become the creator of our health story. What do we eat and how much do we eat? What foods do we avoid? What times do we eat and when do we stop for the day? What specifically is our diet and what will our exercise regimen look like? By defining these things, and then implementing them, we are taking conscious control over what has before been largely a by-product of happenstance. That is to say, we inherit a default diet, a default exercise and health routine. We will continue to operate in these ways UNTIL we can clearly state what we are going to do instead!

So the mental aspect is all about developing clarity. Being clear on what success means to us, being clear on what kinds of habits and actions we need to develop. Understanding what our diet needs to consist of. Developing and creating an exercise routine that we can execute. Then, to implement these things with ease, we must feel positive emotions and discard anything that may be holding us back. 


Making big changes is all about alignment! The ability to feel good towards a particular subject, in this case diet, exercise and healthy habits, is an indicator that your thoughts and actions are aligned with your desire. Feeling good and positive about the journey is the best indicator that you are on the right path AND that you will continue onward. In this program, we focus on bringing your emotions into alignment with your stated health goals. It is essential for you to feel the joy that your ideal state will bring to you. Using hypnosis, we will accomplish this, giving your subconscious mind a new direction to move towards. It’s like dropping a pin on a GPS system; we are setting the destination of where we want to go, and your internal computer system will now create and take the route that will get you there. This replaces the old version of yourself, the outdated one, the one that no longer serves you. And this is essential, because 95% of our actions are taken subconsciously! Creating this emotional roadmap using hypnosis develops new neural networks in our brain, it creates new pathways and opens the door for new action! Creating a destination point in our mind allows our subconscious to align with our goals, and then it will automatically take new and different actions accordingly.

Another aspect we will work through is our feelings regarding food and how and why we eat. It is very common for people to have an emotional connection with their food. I’m sure you’ve heard of “comfort food” before, for example. It’s important to examine why we eat the way we do, especially if it is out of balance. Some people over eat to avoid their emotions, whether it be boredom, sadness, anxiety, etc. They have learned that in tough times, food is always there for them. This is why hypnosis is so very effective for weight loss and healthy habit development. We are not going to just ignore the underlying issues at hand, the feelings of boredom, sadness, anxiety, etc. We will create new, healthier strategies to manage these emotions. We will learn to no longer use food as a crutch. Using hypnosis and client centered methods, we will discover the best and healthiest way to meet your needs! Most diet and weight loss plans stop well short of these kinds of break throughs, which is why their results are often short lived. Not with hypnosis though! We go through all of the obstacles and heal your relationship with food along the way. 

Lastly, we have to heal and align emotionally in regards to ourselves and others. Our self-identity plays a huge role, and we have to learn how to love ourselves and develop the understanding that we deserve what we want, and we are capable of having it too! Sometimes clients start this journey just feeling unworthy in general, that they should not be allowed to experience the joy of being fit and healthy and embodying their ideal version of their self. These self-limiting notions sometimes are self-imposed and other times are inherited from someone else’s point of view. It may stem from childhood, where a parent said you would always be this way, it may have been an abusive lover who spoke down to you in the worse kind of way. You might resist a change for your own self because you may feel guilty for “leaving behind” a loved one who may have similar issues. You may unknowingly “benefit” from your current state in a perverse way; for example, by not losing weight you feel as though you can’t enter the dating pool and therefore you avoid the potential pain of rejection. Using hypnosis we will explore your inner state to gain clarity and understanding. From there, we can straighten out any inner conflicts you might have, heal any emotional scars and pains from the past and develop a happy and aligned self-image that is full of feelings of self-worth and self-love! 

The culmination of emotional success are the feelings of Self-worth and Self-Love



The truth is, once you are aligned mentally and emotionally, the actual physical changes necessary to achieve your goal become easier to do! Why is that, you might ask? Well, once we can clearly state our goals and we feel worthy of achieving them, then it starts to feel so good when we take the actions that will get us there! Eating right feels good, exercising and working out feels awesome, even grocery shopping becomes a good time as we purchase the things we know will aid our goals! 

The physical process of weight loss is really no big secret. If you want to lose weight, you have to burn more calories in a day then you consume. It’s that simple! I allow my clients to shape their own diet for the most part, understanding that they need to work off more calories then they are taking in. We will incorporate making healthier food choices, increasing water intake, adding more fruits and vegetables, eliminating fried and processed foods as much as possible and reducing late night snacks. The rest is up to you, whether you want to eat 2 or 3 meals per day, or want to consistently eat through out the day to keep your metabolism going, or if you want to take on a vegan or vegetarian diet. (For the record, I’m a ovo-lacto vegetarian, which means I’m a vegan that eats eggs as well!) With the right state of mind, most varieties of diets can work! Whatever you think you can execute, whatever lines up with that ideal perception of yourself is what we will do! Let’s look a bit further at the 2 physical aspects: eating and exercising. 


A conscious diet must replace a default diet!

Many of us are out of touch with how our body physically feels when we eat. We over-indulge, more concerned with the idea that there is still food on our plate rather then how full our stomachs are. Although not an official part of the program, I do encourage and believe it to be advantageous for everyone to spend 1 to 3 days fasting (under consent of your health provider). Aside from the numerous health benefits, gaining a better understanding of actual hunger can be of tremendous value. You see, many of us cannot tell the difference between 1.) actual physical hunger and 2.) our bodies regulated eating schedule. For example, if we eat 3 solid meals a day, roughly at the same time, we have trained our mind and body to be ready for food intake at those 3 general times in the day. So when the time comes for a meal, we will say that we are hungry, and while that is likely true to some extent, we are also just reacting to our habituated pattern, like a cat coming to their bowl at feeding time. So it is important to develop a certain sensitivity, to tune in to our connection with our body to be able to tell if we are truly hungry or if we just want to eat because it is “what we are used to.” Using hypnosis we can develop that sensitivity, even without fasting. We can learn to cut down on consumption, while still getting enough to eat. We can learn about proper portions, that left-overs are ok, and that just because food is in front of you, doesn’t mean you have to eat it!

Proper diet is essential to weight loss and healthy living. If we pay attention to what we crave too, we can gain special insight into our relationship with food. For example, if you often crave sweets and sugars, that tells us that our body is wanting energy and wants to be turned on! We can turn our attention to eating more fruits and vegetables, which are an excellent and natural source of sugar and fuel for our body. Also, we can notice at what times of the day we get these cravings. This gives us vital information about our eating and digestion patterns. 

This is a reminder: A Healthy diet can be super delicious too!

If on the other hand, we find ourselves craving things like bread or alcohol, our body is wanting to feel satiated, full, or even to “turn off.” This indicates that we may be eating out of an emotional need. It’s very important to monitor how we handle this. Things that fill us up and are full of carbs need to be worked out of our system through physical activity. So if we are going to have carbs, breads, and alcohol be a part of our diet, we need to make sure we are eating them at appropriate times in appropriate amounts, and that we are expending the energy to work them off as well. 


As we learn to regulate our intake, we also want to increase our physical activity and the amount of calories we are burning. We will start from wherever your current activity level is, and increase it at the rate which is both appealing to you and will help you achieve your weight and fitness goals in a timely manner. Now many people may fear the idea of exercise: it sounds like a lot of hard work and sweat. Frankly, sometimes it is! Yet, becoming the ideal version of yourself is worth the effort! We are going to incorporate exercise that is conscious of you and your lifestyle. Let’s not get weighed down (pardon the pun) in calorie counting, although we may certainly do that. We will be learning to trust our bodies. As we increase our physical workouts, we know we will be burning calories and reducing our weight. Perhaps our workouts are daily walks, or jumping rope, swimming, bike rides, playing a sport. If we do this, along with a better diet and more appropriately portioned meals, the pounds are sure to come off. 

Hard work and dedication will pay off!


When it’s complicated, Hypnosis can help

If weight loss and having healthy habits was easy, everybody would do it and be successful. If it was just a matter of the right diet and exercise regimen, we would have figured out the winning formula long ago. The truth is, it’s complicated! Healthy weight and wellness is not a one size fits all type of program, there are way too many variables in play and each individual has their own specific struggles and issues. 

If you approach weight loss and healthy habit development from the proper perspective, you will have success! It’s a journey composed of self-worth and self-love towards your ideal state! Yes, you deserve to be the ideal version of yourself and yes you can achieve this too! It is my firm belief that this is the key component to success in weight loss and development of healthy habits; To know and feel that you can become that ideal version of yourself. This opens the pathways in your life to make proper changes in diet, exercise, and other necessary habits to be successful. Using hypnosis we can clear the way of obstacles. We can develop new and healthy relationships with food. We can embrace new eating habits and workout routines. Hypnosis will provide clarity as to the actions we need to take. It can help to speed up our metabolism, and burn off the pounds faster. If you are ready to lose that weight and become the ideal version of yourself, take that first step today and register here!

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